Friday, August 17, 2018

Post 9

In this post it was difficult decide for me about that say, but decide talk about the vacation, because for me is the moment more hoped during the year.
I love it vacation, because is a period of time that I enjoy with my family, specially my parents, also I can see my grandmother and grandfather, because I live very far for they. Other of my activities favorite is play with my nieces, I find that is very funny and many times I wish be little once again. Besides I walk dog and spoil my cat, I visit and share with my friends of the school.
Other of the reason that this is my period of time prefer is that I can visit different place, I love travel and know new landscape of the nature, as river, lake, mountains and visit different parks; the majority are with my sisters, my last vacation of summer was with one of they to north of Chile specifically to San Pedro de Atacama, we can know besides the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, is a beautiful place and when rain have appear of mirror and all is reflected.