Friday, April 27, 2018

My favourite piece of technology.

The cellphone is every time more use, is my favourite piece of technology because in this can capture photography, study, read papers, a book, or search information. Also use my cellphone for listen to music, communicate with my family far away, and revise my social red.

I use my cellphone every day, in different hours, depending on my activities or class of day, principally in my free time.

I like because I can realise things that can make in computer, camera or book but all in this piece very smaller, and easy to use.

Without this piece I cannot imagine my life because would be disconnected, I need a specific piece of technology for every activities.

Also my computer is other piece of technology favourite because I can realise things similar the cellphone but all in a form more comfortable.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Why I decided study chemistry and pharmacy?

I when child I didn´t have really my jobs dream because I liked different area how health and teacher, when I finish the high school I wanted studied something associated with chemistry and mathematics, someone the my career options is Chemistry, Engineer the food or Chemistry and Pharmacy.

I finish decided study chemistry and pharmacy in the University of Chile because is a career that I can study different area how health, chemistry besides I think that how pharmaceutics I can help people because I can work in hospitals, pharmacy or laboratories.

My experience how students in the university is very good because I have learned a lot about my future jobs in the different subjects, although someone subjects is difficult for me.

The future I want jobs in community pharmacy although also I would like in laboratories.

Friday, April 13, 2018

My Auto Biography

Hi, my name is Camila Navarro, I was born in 1998 in Santa Cruz, I studied in Litueche in the School called Cardenal Raúl Silva Henríquez the elementary and the High School studied in “Liceo El Rosario”, actually study in University of Chile the career of Chemistry and Pharmacy.

About my family, my father is Luis and my mother is Amanda, I visit the weekend; I have two sisters the first is Karem and other is Patricia, with they share in the week, also I have nieces one is Josefa and the little is Clarita, besides I have two pet one cat he is Pedro and the other is Crusso is a dog very friendly and quiet.

My free time I cooking different food principally sweet, how for example cake and cookies.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Blogs 0

In this blog, I would like include topics how my favourite animals and place, also my hobbies.

I think that reading in English is more easier that others skills, because if I do not know the translation the words can searching in dictionary or web page, in comparison with listening in English that is more difficult for me, because I need know the words in Spanish besides have one idea about the speaking.

My opinion the using this blog in this course is very good because I can have information the different topic besides I can learn words that I know not.