Friday, May 11, 2018

My favorite movie

Resultado de imagen para hachi a dog's taleMy favorite movie is “Hachi: a dog´s tile”, I like because is about the friendship enter a human with a dog, that in spite of that Hachi began I don’t know Parker (human) finally he the want, when Parker died he was going every day the station of trains for he.
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I like movie that is funny, I can see how the life quotidian is converted in a movie with scenes funny that escape of the reality, although also the drama because I can see reality the different place from all world.

The movie more recent that I see was “The boy in the striped pyjamas” because is about the friendship real of two kids and their innocence, besides I think that provide the great lesson for the spectators, it’s a moving movie I finish of the movie I cry.